In addition to the settings that are individual for each Job, there are
a number of settings that apply to the site as a whole.
These settings are presented in the Site Settings dialog accessible through
the Jobs / Site Settings menu command. These settings apply to all
existing and new Jobs downloading from this site.
When a site is accessed for the first time, all site settings are set to
the default values specified in the Default Site Settings dialog
(Options / Default / Site Settings menu command). You can then change
these settings to accommodate specific site behaviour. Net Vampire remembers
settings for each site, and when you add a Job, the settings for the site
it is going to download from are retrieved and used.
- Login Anonymous/Authorized
This setting defaults to Anonymous, which is appropriate for most of
the sites. If you have an account with the site, check the Authorized
radio button and fill in the User and Password fields. Your login info will
be used in all connections to this site. Your password is stored in the
configuration file in the encrypted form. It will never appear in the
session log for security reasons.
- Timeout
You can set timeout values separately for the connection establishment,
command replies and data. Play with these settings to achieve maximum
efficiency for each site. Setting the timeout to a small value may drop the
connection when the packets are delayed due to network congestion;
too high values will cause Net Vampire to waste time waiting for the
data on a dead connection. You can completely disable timeouts by unchecking
the corresponding checkboxes.
- Pause
Have you ever tried to connect to a really busy FTP server? It keeps sending
the 'Too many users' or 'The maximum number of connections reached' messages
all the time. There is no way to connect to it manually, as hundreds of users
are trying to do it, and every time the connection becomes available somebody
takes it.
Some programs allow you to keep trying to connect in a non-stop mode,
establishing a new connection as soon as the current one is closed by the
server. If you try using such a program, it's most likely that the server
administrator will put your IP address on his black list, and all your
connection requests will be rejected regardless of the server availability.
The Pause option solves this problem. Configure it to try
connecting every minute, or every 15 seconds, and let it run permanently.
Sooner or later Net Vampire will establish a connection even to the most busy site.
Due to the connection reuse feature implemented in Net Vampire Pro, once you are
connected to the server, you can download as many files as you want
without dropping the connection after each download.
- Proxy
See the Proxy Support section.
- Abort Job...
Use these settings to tell Net Vampire how many times it has to try
before giving up. If you uncheck all checkboxes in this panel, it will
try forever.
- Max. Connections Per Site
If you establish too many concurrent connections to the same site, transfer
speed may significantly decrease. In addition, the site administrator
may not like it, which will result in you being put on the black list.
Limit the number of connections to the site using the Max. Connections...
option (remember, this setting is individual for each site!).